Ko te pakirēhua o tō mātou kura he mea waihanga e ngā kaiako ake o te kura, me te poari whānui me ngā mātua, whānau o TWTOP. He mea tiki atu te whare waihanga o te pakirēhua nei i te whare tātari o Helen Temperly, i ana kohinga rangahau mō te Spiral of Inquiry. Nā TWTOP i takahuri i ētahi o ana kohinga kōrero me ōna kohinga rangahau kātahi ka tuitui ki tō mātou ake whare waihanga kohinga kōrero. Nōreira e mihi ana ki tēnei o ngā māreikura nā na nei te whare pakirēhua i āki mō te whanaketanga o tō mātou ake o TWTOP.
Our kaiako use this framework to help scaffold our tamariki in their research studies so that they are able to underpin their own research skills by using this pakirēhua to help them analyse and decipher important aspects and particular areas of interest that might contribute to their overarching research study. They are able to utilise any aspect of this framework to help further develop their own thinking and shift their personal views.
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