He Taipitopito (Additional Information)

Our kaiako and tamariki are expected to arrive here at kura by no later than 8:30 am. Karakia starts at 9:00 am followed by the first period starting at around 9:30 am. Kaiako & tamariki all attend karakia, and each akomanga gets the opportunity and responsibility to lead karakia for the whole school each week throughout the school term. The children from Wharekura at the Kura Tuakana will lead karakia in the first week of the term followed by the other akomanga. When it is time for our teina to lead this, the tuākana from the senior school sit alongside these tamariki to guide them through the process and tikanga of this for the week. Thus allows them to build upon their responsibility as a tuakana and guide their teina through this process.



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