Koia nei ngā tikanga me ngā kōrero tuku iho o te maunga tapu nei a Pūtauaki, he nōhanga mō āna uri whakaheke. Nā whāi anō, tūāpapatia ngā whānau katoa e noho ana i ōna rekereke huri noa i te rohe whānui. Ko ngā tikanga me ngā kōrero tuku iho o Ngāti Tūwharetoa ki Kawerau me Ngāti Awa whānui tonu te kaiarahi i ngā whānau o te rohe nei ki roto i te ao huri noa. Nā whai anō, e tāea ai e ngā uri o te maunga tapu nei te whakataukī ake ‘āe, kua whai wāhi au ki te kura nei’. Mā te mahi tahi o ngā iwi e ora ai te mana o te whenua nei, e tutuki ai, e puāwai ai ngā tikanga me ngā kōrero tuku iho o te maunga tapu nei, a Pūtauaki. Ka mutu he kura karakia Ringatū tō mātau kura, ia te rā, ia te rā, kua noho ngā tamariki me ngā kaiako ki te tuku i ngā whakamoemiti ki te wāhi ngaro, kātahi, ka mutu ana te kura, kua whakakapi anō mātou i runga i ngā tikanga a ngā mātua tīpuna.
Ngā tikanga me ngā kōrero tuku iho ō Pūtauaki describes the culture of the kura that ensures the epistemologies of Ngati Tuwharetoa and Ngati Awa are the life essence of the Kura. It is descriptive of a particular world view that encompasses ‘te reo, history, traditions tikanga, values, beliefs, stories, the natural environment and knowledge. Our Kura is a kura whose wairua, ngakau and mauri derive from the tipuna maunga, Pūtauaki. Reaffirming our tamariki by nurturing descendants of Pūtauaki maunga. Our school is also a Ringatū school in which our kaiako and tamariki embed the learning and tikanga of te noho tahi to karakia and to acknowledge those who are nolonger here with us, to guide us throughout the day. And again, we karakia to give thanks and as a way to uphold our customs and traditions, and to conclude our day.
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