E rima ngā uara o Te Whata Tau ō Pūtauaki. Koinei te kaiarataki i te wairua o ngā mahi i roto i te kura, me te whai anō i ngā tikanga me ngā āhuatanga hei awhina i ngā kaiako me ngā whānau ki te whakatō i te mātāpuna o ngā mātātupu, kia pai ai te poipoi ake, e tipu ai te pihipihinga o ngā māhuri mātauranga ki roto i ngā ngākau me ngā whatumanawa o ā mātou tamariki. Kia tae ake ki te wā e taiohi ai rātau, hei reira kitea ai tētahi huarahi e ngākau nui ana ki a rātau, hei whai, hei para, hei aronga nuihanga atu mā rātau. Ahakoa ko wai, ahakoa nō hea.
Te Whata Tau ō Pūtauaki has five values. These values guide and support our
teachers and whānau in the way we nurture our kaupapa and embed the essence of value into our tamariki. We do this by ensuring that we are prepared as kaiako and whānau before we prepare our children. So that we may plant our seeds of knowledge and wisdom into our tamariki no matter who they are or where they are from. So that we might nurture them, encourage them and support them on whatever they decide on beyond Te Whata Tau ō Pūtauaki.
He whānau kotahi tatou. Mahi ngātahi kia puta ai tātou |
Te tiaki, te tāuwhi me te tautoko ā kikokiko, ā wairua, me te |
Tētahi ki tētahi i runga i te whakaaro rangatira |
Te whakaaronui ki te ao e kore nei tātou e kite, ki te ao wairua e |
Te whakaaro rangatira, te mau pūmau ki te mana motuhake o te |
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